The NAMM Show 2022- Neotech Recap
The NAMM Show - a show many musicians from all around the world dream of attending. Hosted in beautiful Anaheim, California, we couldn't ask for better weather! The sounds of saxophonists trying out different brands of saxophones and forming spontaneous trios or quartets with other saxophonists was just one of the many experiences we found so invigorating at NAMM. Whatever hall we walked through, we heard music - whether it was the music of ukuleles and singers harmonizing in song, or drummers jamming out on the drum displays, we were surrounded by music everywhere and it was unbelievable in the best of ways.

The Neotech team had the MOST incredible time meeting the amazing dealers and distributors of Neotech Straps from all around the world. We had the opportunity to hear stories of how Neotech Straps are used in different countries and in different venues across the globe...all unique stories that inspired our team to keep innovating and doing what we love!
In addition to meeting some of our dealers and distributors, we also had the wonderful opportunity to meet some of our Neotech ambassadors including, Ukulenny (Lenny San Jose), Ikechi Onyenaka, and Phillip Morin. We had the pleasure of sharing a meal with them and to hear them beautifully play their instruments in our Neotech booth. Throughout the course of the show, these three insanely talented musicians would come by to play their music for us, causing quite a stir with surrounding NAMM attendees and exhibitors who were in complete awe. Sometimes, we coordinated and had the blessing of hearing them play together. It was one of our NAMM highlights for sure!

On the final day of the NAAM show, Ukulenny led the famous Uke Circle in the outside courtyard, giving off peaceful, sunny vibes as he led eager ukulele players of all experience levels in song as they were surrounded by swaying palm trees. It was evident that everyone was having a wonderful time - especially Lenny himself. He has an energy about him that radiates out to everyone around him. He not only led the Uke Circle participants in song, but he also gave mini lessons on different aspects of playing the ukulele. Kala Brand Music Co. provided the ukuleles for the group to use. I have to say, I (Rachel) am very much interested in picking up ukulele now!

Another highlight for us was getting to showcase our new branding for Neotech! Our booth display contained new brand assets for Neotech including our new colors, new packaging inserts, and new motto: "Connecting you to your passion!" We are so thrilled to be launching this new branding and we are even more excited to announce new products in the very near future! We have been busy at Neotech :)
We hope that next year we can see YOU at NAMM! We enjoy nothing more than meeting Neotech users and to know that we are making a difference for you in your lives as musicians!
Hear our ambassador Ikechi's thoughts on the NAMM show in this video.
To learn more about our ambassadors that were at NAMM, click on their blogpost links below!!